Girls Troop 78

Scouts BSA - Lincolnshire, IL

Do you have a sense of adventure, want to make new friends, have fun, and learn new skills?

Lincolnshire Troop 78 launched a Scouts BSA Girls Troop in 2022. The Boy Troop 78 has served Lincolnshire since 1958. Interested girls and parents are invited to visit any Troop 78 meeting held Mondays at 7:00 PM, at Community Christian Church, 1970 Riverwoods Road, Lincolnshire, IL.

Calling all girls ages 11 - 17 to join a girls troop. Come join us and bring a friend! 

Interested? Contact our Girl Troop Scoutmaster or fill out the form if you would like to be contacted.

Download a Troop flyer to share with your friends.

Adults and youth can now directly register online via BSA National.

Required for all activities, youth and adults. A pre-participation physical is required for events over 72 hours. This is required annually for summer camp.

Annual Health and Medical Record